This week was our field trip to the Bodies Exhibit and the Minneapolis Institute of Art! Coming into last week I was excited about the field trip to the Bodies exhibit but didn't really know what it was about. Then, after telling one of my professors that I was heading there for a field trip, their eyes kind of widened, and asked me if I knew what exactly what it was. After learning that the bodies I would be seeing were real human bodies, I was even more excited for the exhibit!!
After walking through the nine exhibit rooms I decided my two favorite were the circulatory room, and the fetal room. Walking into the circulatory room just blew my mind thinking that what I was looking at is actually in my body. All through science/biology classes we learn about how complex the human body is, but being able to really see it, in 3D, right in front of my face, instead of from a book, really put everything into perspective. The 3D circulatory system's beauty and complexity just blew me away. It looked like I could put my hand on it and crush it into a million pieces.
The fetal room also really grabbed my attention. One of the things that grabbed my attention the most was how they had the fetus' in 2 week stages beginning from conception on. It was amazing to be able to see the growth patterns in just 14 day increments. As well as how quickly the body is formed and you can tell it is a baby. It was also interesting to be able to see three babies that would have been born with disabilities.
After the Bodies Exhibit we headed off to the MIA. Not that I wasn't excited for it, but I have already been there 3 times this semester, so I wasn't as pumped as for the Bodies. One thing that I did take advantage of this time around was the Louvre Exhibit. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed with it. I guess I was just expecting to know more of the pieces/artists that were shown. It was nice to be able to see artwork from the Louvre don't get me wrong, but I guess I was just expecting more. Ill just have to travel to Paris someday to see it on my own!!
On to class. Thursday we tackled the skulls. Amy let us have the period to draw the side and 3/4 front view on our own before she lectured. My skulls went alright. I did the side drawing first. After some adjusting I was pretty happy with how it turn out, although it was a bit flat. Moving onto the 3/4 view was a bit difficult. I wasn't sure where to start, but once I got going it worked out alright. I'm hoping Amy gives us some proportion tips in her lecture next time!
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